Friday, May 6, 2011

Limbaugh: Dems Are "Unwilling To Pay The Troops But Want To Make Sure Abortionists Continue To Get Paid"


Rush Limbaugh, host of “The Rush Limbaugh Show”, discusses how the Democrats nearly brought about the total widespread shutdown of the national government over the issue of abortion and Planned Parenthood. In the following audio clip taken from Media Matters for America and from the April 13th edition of “The Rush Limbaugh Show”; Rush points out that according to the budget debate at the White House, President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid were poised to shutdown the government before any type of defunding would befall Planned Parenthood. One of the tactics they were willing to use to accomplish their goal was to withhold monetary funds from oversea soldiers. Below is the clip from April 13.


From information gathered from the audio clip, Rush poses some very intriguing questions about the tactics the Democrats used and the position they take toward abortion and Planned Parenthood in order to get what they wanted. About 1:45 into the clip is where the argument begins. Below is the transcript from the clip:

Rush: “Here we had Obama and Harry Reid locked into a position. They were willing to shutdown the government and not pay our soldiers on the battlefield in order to keep the money spickets flowing for the abortionists at Planned Parenthood.”

Rush: “And the Republicans didn’t think they could win that P.R. fight? Given the election results of November, where is it written that we can’t win a P.R. fight with a bunch of people who are unwilling to pay the troops but want to make sure that abortionists continue to get paid? That’s what the fight was about last week. (Pause for dramatic effect) Elmer Fudd could win that fight! (Another long dramatic pause) Elmer Fudd could win it!”

From the clip and accompanying transcript, Rush points out that Reid’s position does include the funding of abortions at Planned Parenthood. Rush also raises the question as to why Republicans backed out of the debate to stop funding to Planned Parenthood for abortions in order to reach a mutual decision on the budget.

So what exactly is Harry Reid’s position on funding abortion at Planned Parenthood? The answer is simple. Senator Harry Reid would rather keep funds flowing to Planned Parenthood than to have funds pulled from the organization but NOT for the reasons of abortion. Further research into the agenda of Harry Reid and the Democrats revealed that Planned Parenthood receives funding through a provision known as Title X, but the currency is not and cannot be for abortion purposes. Reid was actually against a government shutdown, as a shutdown would affect not only the troops, but also the country as a whole. Reid went on record, according to CBS News, by stating that he and fellow Democrats were unwilling to move on the subject of funding Planned Parenthood, that is was important to have access to these services when that time arose. Now, it is clear that Reid’s full intention regarding funding to Planned Parenthood stems from his personal campaign regarding his family; as in his wife, daughter, and granddaughters; from a statement released on April 8, 2011 from Senator Harry Reid’s website.

So what is the conclusion of this argument and the supporting factors?

(P) Senator Reid strongly favors the funding of Planned Parenthood.

(P) Senator Reid refuses to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, because young girls and women have a right to have access to the health services provided.

(P) Senator Reid agrees that a government shutdown would harm not only the soldiers, but also the economy.


(C) Planned Parenthood should continue to receive funding in order to provide accessible health services to all females and that a government shutdown would be detrimental to the American public.

From this audio clip, it is clear that Rush Limbaugh is committing a Straw Man fallacy. The intentions of Reid were to continue to keep funding to Planned Parenthood for the welfare of young girl’s and women in America to have access to screenings and testing, not for abortion purposes. Clearly, Rush has twisted the intentions that Reid had planned by targeting the abortion side of Planned Parenting and neglecting that they offer a wider scope of services. Yes, Planned Parenthood offers the choice of abortion, but in accordance with Title X, abortions cannot be entitled to government funds. Based on the information obtained, this argument is in moderate condition.

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