In this video a twelve year old girl gives a speech to her class at school. The twelve year is pro life and gives her speech on why abortion is wrong. She gives multiple reasons and real life examples on the cons of abortion.
Fetuses have choices as well even if they cannot voice them. The mother should not be able to choose for an unborn child.
115,000 children die each day through abortion, taking away from the possible potential that these children could have had.
Fetuses are definitely human beings.
The mother has rights, but has to be responsible with these rights. The fetus should not pay for bad choices made by the mother.
Hard cases such as rape, incest, and danger to the mother only account for one percent of all abortions and does not justify the volume of abortions.
After an abortion seventeen percent of women have complications with pregnancies, have higher risks of getting breast cancer, and face emotional problems that can lead into drug and alcohol abuse.
The girl gives a real life example of a woman named Sharon Osbourne speaking on her experience, “I had an abortion at seventeen and it was the worse thing I've ever done. It haunts me to this day, and I have lost three kids while pregnant.”
The twelve year old girl wants her audience to think about the unborn and the negative effects that abortion has on a mother, and how even if a fetus is still in the womb it is still a human being.
I think that this twelve year old girl did a great job with her speech and executed it perfectly, although she committed two fallacies. The first is appeal to ignorance, this is when premises of an argument state that nothing has been proved one way or the other about something, and the conclusion then makes a definite assertion about that thing. The mother has rights, but the constitution does not give rights to the fetus, also some say that the mother should be able to choose and others say that it is the choice of the unborn child. There is no defiant answer so there for she commits an appeal to ignorance fallacy.
Not only does she commit that fallacy, but I believe she commits a false dichotomy fallacy. This is when the arguer claims that there are two options. Since one of them is bad, we must choose the other. The twelve year old thinks that abortion is unjust and gives multiple reasons why, so therefore we must go with the other option. Which indeed is not the case, but in her eyes it is.
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