Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Legal Arguments Why Obama Doesn't Qualify for US President Even If He Was Born In Hawaii" by Paths To Knowledge.net is a blog about why and how people think that Obama shouldn't be president. http://pathstoknowledge.net/2011/04/27/legal-arguments-why-obama-doesnt-qualify-for-us-president-even-if-he-was-born-in-hawaii/
1. It's moot if Obama was born in Hawaii or Kenya since his father wasn't a US citizen.
2. Which means Obama doesn't meet the qualification of being a natural born citizen.
3. Then there is the adoption problem when his step father allegedly adopted him in indonesia.
4. That might have caused Obama to automactically give up his US citizenship becoming a cititzen of Indonesia.
(c) Meaning that Obama is an illegal alien.
The fallacy in this argument is Begging the question because in this argument the argurer is making statements about Obama that he doesn't know exactly if they are true. This would mean that the premises he is using to prove his conclusion are shakey. The argurer has no prove that Obama is not a natural born citizen or that his step father adopted him in indonesia making the premises shakey.

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