Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Urgent Threats


Governor of Texas Rick Perry has been concern about the issue of the security of the Mexican Border. Governor Perry has been demanding the federal government to be more involved on the problems at the Mexican border with the United States. He has been concern with the lack of founds and interest that the federal government is giving to the border. Governor Perry is demanding that the government see to help patrol the border by sending troops to help guard the border. He also wants founds to have more security measures at the border. His reason for such demands is that the violence of the Mexican Cartels is getting worst in Mexico and it won’t be long until it goes thru the border and reach American grounds. His plan is to guard the borders so that the violence can be somewhat control to a point that it won’t be a threat to the American people that leave close to Mexico. Perry goes on as to compare the effort that the government puts in terrorist threats overseas to the lack of interest on some a threat closer home, the Mexican border. “Perry said the federal government needs to pay more attention to security threats closer to home than either (Iraq and Afghanistan) of those two countries.




P1- Mexican drug cartels are spreading violence and fear in Mexico

P2- It is more likely the levels of violence will become worst and cross the border into United States ground

C-Federal government should pay more attention to the border and back up border patrol by sending 1,000 troops and also founding the border patrol to have measures to fight the Mexican cartel violence.


This argument commits the fallacy of weak Induction. This fallacy involves an inductive inference that is weak. In this argument Governor Perry compares the work that is being done over seas with Iraq and Afghanistan, to the lack of work being done in an issue closer to home. The work being done over seas cannot be compare to the work that is needed at the Mexican border. This two situations are really different since the problem overseas is more of a threat than the Mexican border. This can be concluded because of the attacks of 9/11. Even though the terrorist that are being fought are overseas, they are a more serious threat because of what they have cause and done to our country before. In the case of the Mexican cartels, they are a threat to the country but their threats are not as serious as the ones overseas. There is no way to compare this two threats at the same level of importance because of this governor Perry commits the fallacy of weak induction.

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