Tuesday, November 22, 2011

life never ending cycle of goals

The exact name of the author for this article is unknown. This article was posted on December 16th 2006 by the screen name ‘Radical’ on stevepavlina.com. The article states that life is but a cycle of never ending goals in which will never be satisfied, and every human being is a pawn to this unsettling truth. The author commit’s a fallacy that will be reviewed.


Premise 1: people continuously create goals
Premise 2: people see life as worthless if unable to generate and accomplish goals
Conclusion: life is a never ending cycle of goals

Hasty generalization- this fallacy is committed when a person draws a conclusion about a population based on a sample that is not large enough.
Slippery slope- this fallacy is committed when someone claims that a first step (in a chain of causes and effects, or a chain of reasoning) will probably lead to a second step that in turn will probably lead to another step and so on until a final step ends in trouble.

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