Tuesday, November 30, 2010


            I found this argument on the Atlanta Journal-Constitution website from September 27 written by Jennifer Patil. It discusses the effect that the poor economy has had on workers and what they are doing to improve their employability.
            The premises of the article states that those in a position that can be readily outsourced have experienced pay cuts and even have their jobs eliminated entirely. With America’s economy changing to one favoring those in a managerial role, more and more working adults are going back to college to increase their likelihood of getting hired to higher positions. Also, retirees are returning to college to go back to work in order to repair the damage done to their funds by the recession. As a result of this return to education, working adults are essentially getting America back to a great economic power.
            In all honesty, fallacies were difficult to find. The only thing that seemed somewhat out of place was the short bit about President Obama’s challenge to working to continue their education. I feel it could have been left out. In my opinion this is article is in good health, although I would have tried to put in some more detail especially statistics, examples, and quotes from trend analysts.

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