Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Is Legalizing pot really going to help the justice system?

There was an article that was written by Cynthia Tucker on October 29, 2010 that was called “Here’s hoping California legalizes pot” and posted on the AJC web blog site. The article had voiced her views on the legalization of pot and the affects that legalizing pot would have on the justice system if we did. Tucker stated that legalizing pot would free police of unnecessary arrest for marijuana and it would keep the justice system from spending billions on the arrest. If pot was legalized then a fourth of the countries population would be back out of prison. The problem with the argument is that it is an ad populum. The article seems to try to convince the majority of the people to vote on legalizing pot. The author is hoping that the majority sees her side which is evoked by her appeal to pity. One way she has done this is by stating, ‘If we legalize drugs, that would decrease the arrested of blacks and Latinos for the possession that they did not even possess. There is an implication that many of the minorities are in prison because of their possession of just marijuana which in her views is ridiculous and a waste of time. Tucker feels that a good arrest would be more important than a marijuana charge.

Premise 1.If California takes the lead to legalize pot, other states will do the same.
Premise 2. The police can attend to more important crimes.
Conclusion 3.Then the justice system will improve in solving more important crimes.

The reason for legalizing marijuana is not a good enough reason. Many people that are arrested for marijuana possession are also involved in other situations involving some kind of contraband. So, if they are arrested for pot now, they will be arrested for some another drug later after pot is legalized. Tucker tried to compare the use of pot to the use of alcohol or simply stated that pot usage is no more detrimental to alcohol usage. If we would like to look back at alcohol usage, it has involved many drivers in D.U.I.’s and D.W.I.’s. She stated that the Mexican cartel would not by from the American’s if we stopped by selling marijuana but I believe if we legalize marijuana they would not stop the drug cartel. This would lead to a broader industry of sells and marijuana is also the gate way drug to other contraband so the judicial system would have more than just pot arrest on there hands. This argument didn't seem to be nothing more than an appeal to pity for the freedom to use pot. http://blogs.ajc.com/cynthia-tucker/2010/10/29/heres-hoping-california-legalizes-pot

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