Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Yes, I Can Carry A Loaded Firearm To A Presidential Town-Hall Meeting Because It Is Legal.
This interview, which was aired on August,11th 2009, raises the argument of the primary purpose of a firearm being brought to a presidential town hall meeting in New Hampshire. On Tuesday's Hardball with Chris Matthews, Matthew’s guest was William Kostric, the man who brought a gun earlier in the day to protest President Obama's health care plan at a town hall meeting in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Kostric was wearing a (legal) handgun strapped to his leg and holding a sign referencing this Jefferson quote: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time” although, the last part of Jefferson's quote was not listed, it was still open for ones own interpretation “with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Chris Matthew does a thorough interview with Mr. Kostric about his political views and his possible reasons for carrying a loaded gun to a Presidential Health-care debate. However, at approximately 1:51 sec into the interview leads to some significant key statements for this discussion. Kostric makes the claim that bringing a loaded gun to a Presidential event with a controversial sign quoted from Thomas Jefferson is his right under the Constitution and therefore, more people should carry guns these days for a more safe environment. Chris Matthews also makes the comical statement that it is legal to chew gum in church or ride into church on a pogo stick “legally”, but should you?So just to summarize the interview, The segment grew more and more heated as Mathews continued to repeatedly ask Kostric why he came to the meeting wearing a loaded gun. Kostric stated that the question wasn’t relevant. Mainly, Kostric was unrepentant an maintained that he was there in a totally non-violent capacity. (“No one in New Hampshire was alarmed. Maybe some of the people they bussed from Massachusetts were alarmed. But we’re not really concerned about them”) and I quote.So to
familiarize the argument:
(Premise)(1) Carrying loaded guns makes people feel safe.
(Premise)(2) The Constitution upholds the right to bare arms.
(Premise)(3) Therefore, people should carry loaded firearms to a controversial Presidential meeting because it is legal by law.
I think this dispute presents a couple of errors with several ways to analyze them ;however, the most obvious fallacy is being committed by Mr. Kostric because he does not seem to understand the issue Mr. Matthews is trying to address to him. Earlier in the segment Chris Mathews stated that it is legal to do a number of things but just because it is legal does not make those particular acts ethical or moral. We can also paraphrase the argument as follows: “Everyone should carry guns to feel safe. So since it is legal to carry loaded guns at will, therefore, I’ll carry my loaded pistol to the controversial Presidential meeting.This is a case of missing the point fallacy. Although certain things are not presented as illegal does not mean those particular acts are justified to be performed. This argument is in Critical Condition for this purpose of Mr. Kostric not truly understanding the point which Mr. Matthews is addressing.

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